by Simon | Dec 9, 2015 | Mixing, Software
In this tutorial we’re going to mix a rocking guitar riff with Strip and its complementary plugin Bus. Apart from incorporating various valuable mixing tools like EQ, compression, saturation, and so forth, these two plugins also have got the amazing ability to give...
by Simon | Dec 2, 2015 | Mixing, Software
Let’s add some unique and mysterious atmosphere to two clean guitar parts with Rev250! First we will apply a distinct phaser effect to the rhythm part, and then give the lead a whole new sonic color with the great vintage reverb module. Since we don’t want (or need)...
by quinto | Nov 25, 2015 | Hardware, Mastering, Mixing, Software
The sound of any non linear effect, e.g. a saturating device, is affected by the shape of the spectrum of the incoming signal. A classic trick is to boost or cut a frequency range before the saturation happens and then applying the opposite equalization to the output....
by quinto | Nov 23, 2015 | Hardware, Mixing, Software
One way to classify audio effects is to divide them in “linear” and “non linear”. Linear effects can be chained in any order, the global result will be the same. Non linear effects care of insert order. Examples of linear effects are: delay,...
by Simon | Nov 21, 2015 | Mastering, Mixing, Software
In this tutorial we’ll try to turn a dull and boring mix into something more musical and natural. Let’s have a listen to the initial example first before we start working on it: As you can hear, the levels of the independent instruments are fine, however there are...
by Simon | Nov 21, 2015 | Mixing, Software
While SoundBrigade is an amazing tool to control and tame unpleasant frequencies, it’s equally suited for emphasizing and boosting a certain sound. Let’s see how we can add more punch to an electric snare drum with the Rotate-mission! Here’s a drum loop...