by quinto | Nov 17, 2020 | Mastering, Mixing, Product, Software, Software Product
Bus is a set of bus compressors modelled after some of the most famous and effective units around, from Optical to VCA. Great on the master bus, on submixes, for mixing and mastering but also for single tracks. Its Opto mode works wonders on vocals, acoustic...
by quinto | Dec 17, 2019 | Evidence, Software Product
AnyGauss is an extremely powerful set of tools to mangle drums, packed in a super-simple interface. Give new life to drums, process the source up to synthesis. MSRP: 29.99$. Main features: Drums re-tuning (formant shifting). Drums timbre compression (compensates for...
by quinto | Nov 13, 2019 | Evidence, Software Product
A25 has been modeled after a beautiful stereo compressor, with a few “modern” add-ons: – Sample aligned Dry-Wet control. – Mid-Side balance control of action of the compressor (sets where the processing is done between Mid and Side components...
by quinto | Nov 13, 2019 | Evidence, Software Product
One of those powerful yet simple contributes to sound, input and output transformers. AnyTesla contains a parametric physical model of audio transformers and an optional power output stage (because the saturation of a core gives effects on both output and input...