by quinto | Nov 23, 2015 | Hardware, Mixing, Software
One way to classify audio effects is to divide them in “linear” and “non linear”. Linear effects can be chained in any order, the global result will be the same. Non linear effects care of insert order. Examples of linear effects are: delay,...
by quinto | Nov 19, 2015 | Hardware, Mastering, Mixing, Researching
Audio loudspeakers usually rely on resonance to get more strength, mainly in low-frequency range. We are so used to them that it is what sounds normal to us. But is the enclosure always needed? Actually not. If we get rid of the resonant box we loose its help but get...
by quinto | Nov 19, 2015 | Hardware, Researching, Software
I wanted to understand more about a real plate reverb. EMT140 is it, a transducer (from audio/electrical to mechanical) makes a metal sheet vibrate. Another one (from movement to electrical/audio) gets the vibration. Simple but effective, made and is still making a...