Here is a set of specific presets for Disto-S programmed on piano.

As always, select the whole preset, right-click “Copy”, press “Preset Paste” on the effect.

Set the input Gain knob to get gain reduction peaks similar to the values listed in parentheses for the preset to make sense. Or just ignore it and have fun 🙂

Piano 10:1 Overcontrol (GR 10)

Disto-S 030001
Gain 0.7699999809 Volume 0.2726702690 Hipass 0.0000000000 Band 0.0000000000
Attack 0.5000000000 Release 0.8249999881 UK 1.0000000000 Hottitude 0.0700000003
Ratio 0.7142857313 Mix 0.0000000000 Auto 1.0000000000 HarmSw 0.0000000000
LinkSw 1.0000000000

Piano 2:1 Transparent Leveler (GR 8)

Disto-S 030001
Gain 0.7749999762 Volume 0.3416614830 Hipass 0.0000000000 Band 0.0000000000
Attack 0.5000000000 Release 0.5000000000 UK 0.0000000000 Hottitude 0.0700000003
Ratio 0.1428571492 Mix 0.0000000000 Auto 1.0000000000 HarmSw 0.0000000000
LinkSw 1.0000000000

Piano 3:1 Snapper (GR 10)

Disto-S 030001
Gain 1.0000000000 Volume 0.0919390991 Hipass 0.0000000000 Band 0.0000000000
Attack 0.6550000906 Release 0.1149999946 UK 0.0000000000 Hottitude 0.0000000000
Ratio 0.2857142985 Mix 0.0000000000 Auto 1.0000000000 HarmSw 0.0000000000
LinkSw 1.0000000000

Piano 4:1 Electronizer (GR 13)

Disto-S 030001
Gain 0.9000000358 Volume 0.3692055941 Hipass 0.0000000000 Band 0.0000000000
Attack 0.0000000000 Release 0.0000000000 UK 0.0000000000 Hottitude 0.0000000000
Ratio 0.4285714328 Mix 0.0000000000 Auto 1.0000000000 HarmSw 0.0000000000
LinkSw 1.0000000000

Piano 6:1 Transparent Leveler (GR 8)

Disto-S 030001
Gain 0.7300000191 Volume 0.3198306561 Hipass 0.0000000000 Band 0.0000000000
Attack 0.1850000024 Release 0.8299999833 UK 0.0000000000 Hottitude 0.0000000000
Ratio 0.5714285970 Mix 0.0000000000 Auto 1.0000000000 HarmSw 0.0000000000
LinkSw 1.0000000000

Piano 20:1 Peak Shaver (GR 6)

Disto-S 030001
Gain 0.6950000525 Volume 0.4042811990 Hipass 0.0000000000 Band 0.0000000000
Attack 0.0000000000 Release 0.9049999714 UK 0.0000000000 Hottitude 0.0000000000
Ratio 0.8571428657 Mix 0.0000000000 Auto 1.0000000000 HarmSw 0.0000000000
LinkSw 1.0000000000

Piano 10:1 Beautiful Optocouplers (GR 7)

Disto-S 030001
Gain 0.9100000262 Volume 0.1392334998 Hipass 0.0000000000 Band 0.0000000000
Attack 1.0000000000 Release 0.0000000000 UK 0.0000000000 Hottitude 0.0000000000
Ratio 0.7142857313 Mix 0.0000000000 Auto 1.0000000000 HarmSw 0.0000000000
LinkSw 1.0000000000

Piano oo Pumping Destroyer (GR 20)

Disto-S 030001
Gain 0.8450000286 Volume 0.2572999001 Hipass 0.0000000000 Band 0.0000000000
Attack 0.0000000000 Release 0.0000000000 UK 1.0000000000 Hottitude 0.0700000003
Ratio 1.0000000000 Mix 0.0000000000 Auto 1.0000000000 HarmSw 0.0000000000
LinkSw 1.0000000000