Extremely happy to announce Vastaso MarkII. Our super-successful beast of a compressor, maybe the most versatile in the world, now with total recall. Same features, full analog audio path, but with presets, templates, remote control. A modern twist. Same price. Yeah! Write to sales@sknoteaudio.com to order units.
The external editor gives access to all the four units and to freely configurable sidechain structure (inter-channel “ducking”). The controls on the panel act on the active channel.
Load your project, get all the settings recalled.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
(Additional questions: please write to sales@sknoteaudio.com)
Q.: How to buy one unit?
A.: Write to sales@sknoteaudio.com, specifying the number of units you need. Price tag is 1.899 Euro/USD (VAT, taxes, shipment to be computed separately), with special price for multiple units.
Q.: Do I need its software to use this?
A.: NO! Just switch it on and use it and use it like with Mark I. You CAN use the provided editor, though, for new level of integration with the DAW.
Q.: I’m a bit concerned about how you could stuff so much inside an unit, while keeping the same price tag.
A.: No black magic. It is all about clever (if we may) design, using modern concepts while keeping the audio path untouched and totally analog. Same (or improved) quality, lots more stuff.
Q.: Not sure I get the concept of “ducking busses”.
A.: Just imagine having four stereo compressors with external sidechain inputs, a mixer in the middle to combine all their outputs in any combination and and sending separate mixes to every sidechain input.
Q.: Anything that is left out of the “Total Recall”?
A.: No!
Q.: Can I send any combination of outputs, with individual gains, independent from output gains, to any section?
A.: Yes! There are four ducking busses. Each section has its own send level to these busses and a receive level from every one.